Secrets Of Demons Exposed!

Secrets of Demons Exposed!


If you’re having problems in your relationship or marriage or feeling like your world is crashing down around you there’s a good chance a demon has been assigned to harass you!

The good news is there’s a solution! I’m going to show you how they operate, and give you the tools you need to defeat them and help you control your circumstances.

You may notice your partner acting completely out of character - suddenly they are distant and angry for no apparent reason. Out of nowhere, they seems to be like a completely different person.  Most likely there are unseen forces at work chatting in their ear.

People grow up (from birth) unknowingly listening to inner thoughts thinking that those thoughts are their own. Demons use your voice to speak to you and of course, you think it is just you. Ever have someone cut you off in traffic and think, “Drive, Woman, or just get off the road!” That thought probably wasn’t you.

 There are several scriptures you can use to shut these inner voices up. Try these the next time you run into a problem and see what happens.

 First say, “In the name of Jesus, spirits assigned over (spouse’s name), I pull you down from your seat of authority. I bind you from operating any further, for it is written: “For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man put asunder.”

 You can also say, it is written, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. (Spouse’s name) is one of His sheep. Therefore, (Spouse’s name) follows Jesus.”

 Make sure you use the name of Jesus since these demons must obey that name.

 My book, “Nothing Is Impossible” deals with this issue directly. It tells the story of Emily Layton who experiences what most would term a “life changing event”.

 If you would like more information on how this works check it out.

 Write me and tell me how this has helped you! If you have any questions you can ask me directly HERE