3 Amazing Ways to Debt Freedom!

Debt and demons actually go hand in hand - the primary way people are controlled is through their finances.

 Have you been one of those people who works more than one job or commits to work overtime often yet you never seem to get ahead enough to pay off those bills? There’s a reason for that - demons have been on assignment to make sure you never dominate financially. You may have noticed that every single time you receive a bonus, refund or pay off an obligation another crisis appears. That is NOT a coincidence - it is by design.

 Demons control this world and the people in it through the monetary system, but you can permanently separate yourself in three simple steps.


Step One:

 Gather all of your outstanding bills (don’t forget your mortgage) and place them in a pile before you. You will want your spouse to be with you to put the power of agreement to work. Then, say this over that pile of debt:

 “Debt I’m talking to you in the name of Jesus. I decree and declare that you are dissolved never to return in our lives. It is written in Mark 11:23, ‘whosoever shall say unto this mountain, be removed, and be cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.’ I call this done now in the name of Jesus.”

 If you are unmarried, Jesus may be the only one who can agree with you, but since these are His words, He will agree.


Step Two:

 Bind the devil from any further strategies against your finances and loose angelic forces. Use this scripture:

 “Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.’ In Jesus’s name I bind the spirits assigned over my finances, you stop now! Angels go and cause money to come to me!”


Step Three:

 Ask the Lord where to sow a financial seed. Once you know where and how much to sow do it. As you give, expect the harvest to come. Thank the Lord daily that you are debt free and living in abundance.

 Write me and tell me how this has helped you! You can ask me any questions HERE