About Vivian Miller

  As a child, Vivian was surrounded by books. Most of the books at home were written for adults, but neither of her parents ever took the time to read them. Vivian was constantly reading - anything and everything. When she wasn’t reading, the young girl was making up stories in her head about the strangers she saw when riding the bus, walking the neighborhood or sitting in the family sedan waiting for her mother to return to the car. 

 Vivian was always a “people watcher” - she amused herself by studying people and trying to figure out why they behaved the way they did.

 Her parents were complete opposite personalities. While her father was calm, her mother was volatile. As a little girl. She learned early in life, that the way to keep the peace with her mother was to just let her mother have her way. Vivian knew no other grown woman well enough to recognize that the behavior she was witnessing was not common in other families.

By that time she was 19, Vivian had been criticized, demeaned, prodded and poked by her mother resulting in Vivian being ripe for the taking.

It would be years later that Vivian would finally understand why she became prey to a young man she met just before college. She was hoping to marry Prince Charming, but instead she married a toad. The shine on her new husband completely disappeared within a few months. He was the exact opposite of what she thought he was. The flattery was replaced with cutting words, drunkenness, drug usage and violence.

 Finally, after over a decade of abuse, Vivian and her young son escaped. Like most people, Vivian was completely ignorant of spiritual law and life in other dimensions. In an effort to find the kind of life she had seen as a child in classic sitcoms, she sought to change her lifestyle.

 Using her past life experiences, the Holy Spirit began to reveal the truth behind not only her first husband’s cruel behavior, but also her mother. It wasn’t long before she understood the truth - had she known her authority as a believer and put into practice the laws that govern the universe her life would have been much different. 

 Decades of torment would have been completely avoided had she known what steps to take and what spiritual weapons to use. 

 As she learned the truth regarding dominion and authority, she realized that most of humanity deals with circumstances that have been designed and orchestrated by evil forces to result in defeat. Loss of income, relationships, health, peace are only a few arenas affected by these attacks. It became obvious to her that although many believers know the scriptures, they are unable to use the Word effectively.

 Even though Vivian began writing short stories at then age of ten, it wasn’t until she recognized the need for people to understand and operate in the authority given to them by the Creator, that she began to write book in earnest.

 Rather than approach the subject with a text book style, she wrote modern day parables to illustrate the methods of practical application of spiritual law. Using human experience as the backdrop, she reveals the workings of the fifth dimension of both ministering spirits (angels) as well as the fallen angels (commonly known as demons). The reader is given insight into the hierarchy of the spirit realm and the meticulous planning that goes on in the invisible realm.

 It is Vivian’s desire that every reader be enlightened and equipped to overcome in every circumstance and defeat the darkness!

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